Now you can pay your water/sewer bill or any other city fees or memberships online using Point and Pay. You will be charged a 3% fee (fee will be no less than $2) if you pay with a credit/debit card and a flat $2 fee if you pay with an e-check. Please read the information on this page before proceeding to payment.
Online only service, cards cannot be swiped at City Hall nor can payment be made over the phone at City Hall.
Point and Pay Bill Payment Option
Click here to pay
Understanding the Product drop down menu:
Connection Fee: A charge for turning on or connecting service
Golf Fees: Membership dues, shed rental fee, playing fee
Misc.: Solicitor’s license, facility rental fee
Permits: Development permits
Swimming Pool Fee: Swimming pool passes or swim lessons
Water & Sewer Account: Your monthly water/sewer bill, deposit
*Your account number can be found on your monthly statement. If you are purchasing for another person or do not have an account number, please put the full name of the person you are paying for where the account number would go.
If you have trouble paying through Point & Pay, please contact their support team at 888-891-6064 or